Need advice or help with firearm identification? Anthony’s Firearms Warehouse offers a wide range of firearm related consulting services to police, the general public, and members of the media: For Police - Anthony’s Firearms Warehouse Services has firearm experts on-hand who can help with the following issues: Crime gun identification Make and model identification Hard to find serial number locations Ammunition and spent casing identification General firearm and firearm law questions New weapon and/or ammunition testing (2011) For the Public - Unaware of changing Massachusetts gun laws, many residents may find themselves in possession of weapons they may not be licensed to possess: Do I have the correct license to own a certain type of firearm? How do I dispose of firearms or ammunition I have found in my house? My spouse/parent has passed away and I am now responsible for their firearms. What should I do? For the Media - Often the media is incorrect in their identification of weapons used in crimes. Mis-characterizations distort public opinion of Massachusetts gun laws. Get the facts before you report inaccurate information: What types of firearms are legal in Massachusetts, and what type of license do you need to possess them? What is the definition of an assault rifle, and how do they differ from Massachusetts' compliant firearms?

  • Category: Business
  • Service Duration: 02:45 Hours
  • Address: New York, United States (Map)
  • Price:$150